I was very poor at the time, but one must have a pincushion, so I scraped together some change and bought a new crappy tomato at Joann's. Probably used a coupon for it, too--that's how poor I was. The crappy thing developed a hole within weeks of my buying it, but it was all I had, so I put up with it.
The last couple years I could certainly afford a new one, but I've either been reluctant to buy another crappy one, or unable to find a good one that I liked or was willing to spend money upon. There are a LOT of pincushions for sale on Etsy.com, but most of them are decorative rather than functional. The best functional one I have seen was filled with glass beads for weight, and cost $45.
That kind of inspired me to make my own.
The black-and-white fabric is a rather thick, tightly-woven cotton. I bought it to make a handbag, which is not likely to happen any time soon, but anyway I had enough to sliver 4 inches off the end for a pincushion.
The back is a scrap of fine black suede I've been hoarding for years.
This sucker is about the size of three crappy tomatoes, about 4x8 inches and a couple inches tall in the middle. It's filled with polyester stuffing beads and a bit of craft polyfill. It's heavy, and slightly grippy on the bottom so it doesn't slide around when you grab or stab at it.
This should last me a while. The only funny thing is, my eye hasn't yet learned to identify it as "pincushion." I keep overlooking it, in search of the crappy red tomato.
Well, pin the crappy red tomato to the edge of it for a while.
Like a tumor. Blech.
I so agree about the red tomato thing, it just rolls away half the time! Or I get stuck with pins that come through the other side! I think you should sell some of those pin cushions, I would defintely buy one. It's nice looking and functional.
A fellow seamstress
PS Do you do Ren Fest?
Anon 9:41--
I haven't done Ren Fest in years. I used to sing there during high school, went every year for a long time, but eventually other things started pulling me away. September has been so crazy-busy for me the last three years that I haven't even really thought about it!
Getting to be that time again, isn't it?
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