Tuesday, August 21, 2007

kung fu at the ethnic festival

The wife of one of my kung-fu brethren took a video of us performing. It's a bit shaky at first, but our form looks good and crisp. I like the way my white uniform looks in pictures.


Brent said...

Not too shabby!

Joy said...

Thanks for posting this. It's wonderful to see your movement. A few weekends ago, I got caught up in a tae kwon do demonstration in front of the PEM in Salem (I was just about to see the Joseph Cornell exhibit, actually) and I thought of you, though I do realize it's a different style. These folks were really into breaking boards and kicking the snot out of roses and apples stuck on the end of swords. There was a particularly cool demonstration with an apple on a sword where the demonstrator was blindfolded and found his way to the target through use of a bell jingled by one of his cohorts. But really, I found the less flashy combat movements much more satisfying than all the bang and flash and flying rose petals.

Joy said...

Also, pardon the above ramble if I've used incorrect terminology, as I probably have. Big appreciation! Very little knowledge.

Holly said...

No worries, I know what you meant. Glad you enjoyed the video and the live demo. A well-done martial arts demo can be breathtaking, although I'm with you, I like the subtle stuff better than the flash.